Tag Archives: catholic

The tiny girl with a huge heart

Yesterday we celebrated my daughter’s fourth birthday. I had been planning her Sophia the first party for a couple months when she told me one morning that she wanted to celebrate with the poor children at mother Theresa’s children’s home.

I was quite taken aback. I was somewhat angry if I say so myself.
Here I was planning away and this tiny person smashes it all.

But since it was HER day and it was a good cause I had to agree.

So off we went to the children’s home to celebrate my girl’s fourth.
It was such an emotional day.

There were about 50 children from 1 1/2 to 5 yrs and when they lined upto sing happy birthday to Raquel my daughter I started crying. And guess what; she was crying too.

It was so beautiful that those children with no mummies and daddies to love them, could love and give so much.

Many came and clung to me or my husband and my little Raquel let them!

She wasn’t jealous or insecure. She was just happy to share me with them.

I just couldn’t stop crying.

Oh how I wish I could mother them all. Love them all.

I thank god my little girl is growing upto be a great person.

Greatest of all is LOVE <3

Last night when it was time to put my pre-schooler to bed, it had started raining. There was thunder and lightning. She’s dead scared of both. The best and the easiest way to get her mind off thunder & lightening are to tell her stories until she falls asleep.

When it comes to stories, her favorite kind is stories from my past. Things which include my sister and brother and me. How we tried walking on the edge of the drain and how my sister one day fell into it, wearing her “BIG BLUE DOTS” dress. Stories of my school days, when I loved playing the class nurse. How a kid would fall and how bad her knee was scraped and how I ran to her rescue and tended to the wound etc.

These stories, stories from my childhood, are normally true stories. Here and there I might add some drama just for entertainment. But in general, they are all true stories.

Why she liked so much to listen to them, I don’t particularly know. Perhaps, it’s fascinating to her that big as I am now; I had once been small and vulnerable like her.

She’s barely four years old. But she’s got major imagination and a vast understanding of things. She was not raised to be a molly coddled girl. She understands the basics of life. Things like, birth, success, failure, happiness, defeat and death – to a certain extent.

She’s quite a pious child, if I say so myself, most of which is due to the influence of my mother and brother. She knows all her prayers, and attends Sunday school. She would pester me into attending novenas at church, which I’m not a fan of.

She loves listening to bible stories. And stories about various saints.

So, on a night like last, when it was thundering & lightening, what better choice would it be than telling her one of the saint stories. But bless me; I don’t remember many of them. So my husband suggested the story of St. Paul. And I started.

To tell her about St. Paul, I had to describe who he was and why he did what he did. Since lent, good Friday, Easter memories are still good, it was easy to explain why the apostles were in hiding and how the Holy Spirit made everything possible. I emphasized a bit about the Holy Spirit and how the apostles were not “afraid” anymore. (Get it? Not afraid)

After the story I thought it would be a great idea to read a bible verse to her. What would be better than St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians?

And LOVE it was.

So it was time to teach her, how love is kind, and patient. Never boastful or arrogant. She listened through it all (not falling asleep) and claimed she’s not “afraid” anymore!!! Hallelujah!

That’s the story of last night and Love. How my little girl got over the lightning and thunder scare thanks to St. Paul and the Holy Spirit (I Hope it’s permanent though)

Anyway, with LOVE in heart it is possible to attain anything. (Even not be scared of thunder & lightning J )

It is never too early to start teaching your little ones about love, forgiveness and sharing. They have bigger minds and bigger hearts than we give them credit for.